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Logo de Fogafín con seis puntos azules y tres puntos verdes formando una F y logo con la palabra Hacienda, la bandera y el escudo de armas de Colombia

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Corporate Plan 2021- 2025

Corporate Plan 2021 - 2025

The formulation of the Strategic Plan 2021-2025 focused on Fogafin's preparation for a possible crisis and its ability to respond promptly in the implementation of resolution and recovery mechanisms.

Through digital transformation and the generation of knowledge and innovation, the entity seeks to contribute to building trust in the Colombian financial system and protecting its savers.

Key Result Areas

To achieve the goals of the 2021–2025 strategic plan, seven key result areas were established, which will be supported by the execution of 10 projects.

1: Resolution and recovery
  • Project 1. Maximum effectiveness in the payment of deposit insurance.
  • Project 2. Effective resolution and recovery framework.
  • Project 3. Strengthening of the early warning system
2: Investments
  • Project 4. Strengthening the strategic and operational framework for reserve management.
  • Project 5. Funding strategies for resolution mechanisms.
3: Information
  • Project 6. Information management for decision making.
4: Positioning, communication and outreach
  • Project 7. Strengthening the fund's communication strategy.
5: Digital transformation
  • Project 8. Digital transformation strategy.
6: Knowledge management and innovation
  • Project 9. Fogafin = Innovation + Knowledge.
7: Human resources
  • Project 10. Strategic human resources.
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